accountability reminders core7 mark maiocca mark stiles Jul 11, 2018


REMINDERS – Everyone needs them.  We all get busy.  Calls, meetings, uninvited interruptions.  We all get them.  This is why the Core 7 System created the Accountability reminders. 

Let's review each one that you receive on a daily basis:

Every Monday you will receive the LEAD TRACKER
In most networking groups, members just show up unprepared with information, and the meetings just end up turning into social events. They lack structure and accountability. There is no actual data to analyze or to discuss. This LEAD TRACKER will ensure the accountability that all Networking Groups are looking for. Here's what happens:

Core7 sends the lead tracker email which looks like this.

When you click on the link for your profession it takes you to the LEAD TRACKER in the Core7 Referral System to print and fill out so that you are prepared for the Core7 Mastermind meeting. It focuses on the Primary Referral Targets for each professional.

By getting this reminder every Monday you not only start the week out on the right foot thinking of your team, but there’s also no excuse for any member to not be prepared for the mastermind meeting, and ready to have an open discussion about their business activity.

In the Monday email, you will also get the GUEST REMINDER. As you know, one of the sections of your monthly mastermind meeting is for a guest to present. This is a great way to grow your network of service providers and to expand your knowledge. For example, you could invite an aspiring entrepreneur to talk to you about their business. There’s a lot to learn, they could be a great resource for you, and they may even need your services and will be impressed by what they see at the Mastermind meeting.

Just like recruiting, most professionals don’t have the time to think about asking around for Guests to attend their meetings. That’s why the Core7 accountability reminders make this easy for you. 

In the GUEST REMINDER you can click on the link and it will open up to a script that you can copy and paste and send to your network, or a company manager that may know someone who will be interested, or will be willing to reach out to their network, to find someone who may be interested in attending the meeting.

Think about it, if you still have openings for professionals to join your Core7 Mastermind Group, you could use this monthly reminder to recruit professionals to fill the openings. For example if your group was looking for an accountant, you could copy and paste this GUEST REMINDER email, and send it to a manager of an accounting firm, who may have an accountant that may be interested.

Click this link to join our FREE Matchmaker Program where we introduce you to professionals looking to create WIN/WIN relationships.