Jul 11, 2018Every Tuesday you will receive your Mastermind meeting Agenda reminder. This email reminds you that your meeting is fast approaching. This gives you the opportunity to go into that months assigned Mastermind Agenda and view the lesson that is assigned, and also which professionals you're paired with for your assigned 1 on 1 Partnership Planning Sessions. This Mastermind Agenda also gives you a list of the training videos that you can watch to prepare for your Mastermind as well as your 1 on 1 Partnership Planning Sessions. If these are watched before the meetings, they are much more productive. The commitment is small. You will know early on who is and who isn’t committed.
Included in the Tuesday email, you will also get your Quarterly Referral Scorecard. You want to keep a running tally. It’s important because it shows which partners are executing the referral system and trying to do the best for their partners, as well as their clients.
This was explained earlier, but we will go over it again. Here is how the Quarterly Referral Scorecard works, records each professional asks their partners how many referrals they have received from them that has closed. This is your running workbook. As Harv Ekel said in Millianire Mindset, “What you track, will increase” I would suggest the opposite is also true…
As you can see on the Scorecard, it starts with the primary referral targets for each professional. These are the professionals that we monitored closely per the referral methodology. The other Core7 Professionals are then tracked as those referrals happen frequently also. I want to repeat that the methodology focuses on the primary referral targets.
After each professional goes through the referral tracking, the totals are then calculated as to how they performed the past 90 days.
Now here’s what makes this quarterly referral scorecard really unique.
Now the poor to excellent ratings shown on page 2 are real and very achievable. Each professional and the referral shown are conservative amounts for what is normal in a 90 day period.
The third page is very important. Obviously one of the things that can happen and is common in many networking groups is a professional is let in the group and doesn’t produce or make enough effort to generate referrals for the group members. This quarterly scorecard, along with the regular monthly referral tracking will clearly show if that is in fact happening.
The biggest problem if that is the case is it's very hard to ask that person to leave the networking group. Core7 has what we call the “self-probation policy”. The way it works is If any member is in poor status for more than 2 quarters, they have to go through a series of group questions as well as some questions that they are instructed to ask themselves. Specifically:
1. Are you executing the system?
Core7 Suggestion:
A.Try referring by email. BCC The partner you are trying to refer.
B.Forward the Client Responses to your partner.
II.Are you not executing the system because you are concerned about your partner?
Core7 Suggestion:
Be open and discuss the issues openly with the group. This is how everyone can help to create improvement.
III. What are the objections you are receiving and how are you handling them?
Core7 Suggestion:
A. Discuss with the group.
B. Email C7.
Often times there’s a module that addresses the objection.
(If you have been a Core7 member for six months)
I. Do you feel that you are adding value to the group?
II. Have you listened to all the training modules? Could you learn the System better?
III. Do you feel like you should still be in the group?
C7 Suggestion:
Have an open discussion with your group members about your participation and adjustments that are needed.
I think it's safe to say that group member would clearly see that they either need to work harder, execute the system better, maybe it's they need to prospect more.
Or maybe they should leave the group, and let someone that is going take it more seriously and execute the system.
I think it's safe to say that group member would clearly see that they either need to work harder, execute the system better, maybe it's they need to prospect more.
Or maybe they should leave the group, and let someone that is going take it more seriously and execute the system.
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