ben cote core7 mark maiocca mark stiles referrals the core7 referral system Apr 10, 2018

JB:  Alright, could you comment on the accountability of the system?  So, where I think the real value for Core7 comes from is the accountability.  I mean you know what to expect, and that doesn’t happen that often.

 MM:  That’s correct Justin.  The Core7 System is based on specific, predictable referral points in each professional’s process.  Each professional is accountable to refer certain Core7 professionals in a very scripted way.  

 JB:  So that makes a lot of sense.  A saying we have at Core7 is that we don’t assume the referral is made. We track and account for referrals so they come frequently and consistently.    


So Mark, when you’re traveling around the country and you are talking with other Core7 professionals, what are you telling them about the System?  How are you describing the System?  

 MM:  I ask a lot of different questions.  I like to give them an idea what their business could look like with the help of Core7.  I ask every professional in the group, “What would your business look like if each professional in the group was executing a specific referral script at the exact same point in the process?  

 You know, I get more specific with each professional.  When I talk to with Mortgage Originators, I always ask them, “What would your business look like if your Realtor Partner was referring only you to their clients early on in the process with a predictable referral script and a strong endorsement every single time?      

 When I speak to the Realtors, I ask them, “What would your business look like if the four financial professionals - the Accountant, the Property & Casualty Insurance Agent, the Estate Planning Attorney and the Financial Advisor – were making introductions for Equity Assessments and Value Checks every time they discussed a client’s net worth or a real estate value?”     

 JB:  Those sound good Mark.  Those sound really good.  I know that there are a few for the Financial Advisor that you’d like to talk about.  Can you go over those as well?

 MM:  Yeah.  For the Financial Advisor, these are some things I found are really effective.  For the Financial Advisor, I would basically say, “What would your business look like  if the Mortgage Originator on your team was introducing you to every client they spoke with who was either buying or refinancing a home?”   

 Another great one for the Financial Advisor is, “What would your business look like if the Real Estate Attorney was making an introduction to every client they did a Closing with to discuss how the purchase or refinance would affect their Estate and that they should discuss their full financial plan at this critical time in life?”   I get great feedback from that.  

 Another one is, “What would your business look like if your Accountant partner was asking the proper questions on each tax return to introduce you at the proper time with the proper scripting when people are doing their taxes?”

 There are so many more.  There are so many questions I ask that get people saying “Wow that would be great” and it’s just a perfect fit for the Core7 System.   

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