ben cote core7 core7 referral system mark maiocca mark stiles May 08, 2018

R.E Attorney/Escrow Agent

The Primary Referral Targets for the Real Estate Attorney or Escrow Officer are the Financial Advisor and the Property and Casualty Insurance Agent.

Let's start with the Property and Casualty Insurance Agent. When reviewing the purchase and sale is a great time to make this introduction. Now there's a very good chance that the Real Estate Agent or Mortgage Originator has already introduced the Property and Casualty Insurance Agent to the client, so the advice here is not to push. Here is a quick version of how we recommend asking the client or how to word this key email like this:

"Mr. Smith, has your Realtor or Lender introduced you to a great property and casualty insurance agent yet to get a jump on your homeowners insurance?" It is very important to do this as soon as possible. Would you mind if I made the introduction?

I recommend listening to the noted module and the timestamp as we elaborate in greater detail on this hand off.

The second primary target is the Financial Advisor. This is what I feel is the greatest opportunity for a closing attorney or escrow officer to differentiate themselves. Just like the Mortgage Originator it is with the closing cross-sell, we encourage that an introduction to the Financial Advisor to be suggested after the closing. Very simply the Closing Attorney or Escrow Officer should send an email or make a call to the client suggesting that they review any changes in their estate and financial plan.  The wording to use in this call or email is simply this way this:

Hi {Client's name),

Congratulations on the closing of your home. It is probably your largest investment to date. Your Lender or Realtor may have mentioned this to you already, but the purchase of a home can trigger many other financial ramifications. I would like to make the introduction to the Advisor on my team, he will be a valuable resource for you on this.

Would that be okay? I feel it would be time well spent.

As we mentioned earlier, it always makes sense to review the modules referenced in this Quick Start checklist where we go into greater detail on these particular primary referral targets. Check them out!


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