ben cote core7 mark maiocca mark stiles the core7 referral system May 03, 2018


Real Estate Agent- Equity Assessment Request

The reason I am reaching out is because in reviewing property values, I noticed that we have not done an Equity Assessment to evaluate the appreciation or depreciation of your property. I want to schedule a short meeting/call with you to review the local market and discuss any updates you may have made. How about we talk on Thursday morning at 11 a.m.? 

Realtor re-intro to Mort Originator when UAG & Intro To R.E Atty. or Escrow

Buyers- Congrats Again! 
The next few weeks will be the busiest- please make sure to read this entire email- its important. 
MOST IMPORTANT-We need to get your loan in process as soon as possible! (Asst, from Lender's team) will reach out to set up your re-consultation, and bring your loan into process. They take a credit card up front to pay for the appraisal. There are some documents that will be sent out in the next few days, that are very important. Please re-review the "do's and don'ts" when taking out a mortgage and “The Rate Movement Article”. It is important to get into process quickly in order to stay on track for our closing date (closing date or earlier). Once the loan is in process, it will be submitted to Underwriting for approval, they will likely ask for more items- this is totally normal and expected. The bank will then send an appraiser out to verify the purchase price. In order to obtain the strongest commitment letter, we want to get this done ASAP. 
We stay in touch with (Lender & Lender’s asst) throughout the process to make sure everything is on track. If we move quickly, the bank should have a commitment for us approx. (3 weeks after p&s). 
The seller’s side is aware we are getting a mortgage and will be cooperative with (Lender's team). 
It is also very important to contact your Real Estate Attorney/Escrow Officer right away. We recommend (RE Atty) for your real estate attorney. He works with me and (Lender's team) frequently and can handle both of your buyer representation and the bank work/closing. I have put (RE Atty) on this email so you can connect (I’ve also included his info is at the bottom of the email). Communication is the most important component to a smooth transaction. One of the benefits of working with my team is that we can usually solve most problems without needing you to jump in! 
 Home inspection is scheduled for (tomorrow wed at 9am we will try to make it earlier). We use (Inspector from inspection company). They will also test for radon as well.  Payment is made by Check/Credit card for home inspector. Once the home inspection is complete, we will receive a copy of the report. We will discuss and respond. 
(Pest Co. is coming at 1 pm) to do the pest inspection. 
Once we get through home inspection, we will need to sign the p&s (date for p&s). The seller’s attorney provides the first draft and your attorney will negotiate and finalize the agreement. You will need a check for (x% of the purchase price less the initial $x deposit for the p&s). Personal check written to (Listing agent co.)  is preferable. If you need to wire the funds, please let me know asap so we can get the proper wiring instructions. 
Once we sign the p&s- we just need to focus on the bank to get everything needed to issue the commitment. 
We'll conduct a final walk thru the morning of the closing (closing date). You will need to wire the balance of your down payment in advance of closing to (RE Atty's office).  


Realtor To Mortgage Originator for Pre-Approval

Hi (Client's name), 
I'm looking forward to meeting with you on (appointment date/time). {Team member's name or"/") will be in touch to schedule a time for us to see some properties in the {$XXX- $XXX) range. 
As discussed, getting pre-approved is one of the first steps. I recommend (Mortgage Originator partner's name). He is a Lender who is my trusted Advisor and can be of help. {Team member's name or "He/She/") will be in touch soon to schedule a time to speak. (He/She) wants the process to be free of errors, so be aware that (he/she) collects all of the necessary documents up front. (These documents are required by FNMA guidelines). This may seem like a lot to do upfront, but is critical to find the best structure, make things go much more smoothly when we enter the transaction, and give us a huge advantage when negotiating on a new property. 
Attached is my Buyer Questionnaire. At your convenience, please fill it out and return. 

Realtor To Financial Advisor For Budgeting--More Than 3 Months Away

Hi (Borrower), 
It was great speaking with you! 
At this point in the process, since you are more than 3 months away from a potential home purchase, I always recommend that all my clients touch base with the financial advisor on my team who will do a full, no obligation cash-flow analysis, and discuss creating the most tax-efficient budget. 
I think it would make a lot of sense. Would you mind if I made the introduction? 
Again, there is no obligation, but I feel it would be time well spent. 
Thanks again!

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